Aaaaannnnnnd we’re on the move again.

Aaaaannnnnnd we’re on the move again.

I’d mentioned a month or so ago that Andy was closing the doors and retiring from the repairing business (for the meantime….?) and that I was going to be moving to a new home both for the family and for DMFR.

Well the family part is now done, although there are still boxes to be unpacked and still echoes of, “have you seen the …” but we’re moved!

The trickier part now is moving workshop although I have now secured (bar the crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s) a new home to work from!

Over the next few weeks I’ll hopefully be getting moved and setup in part of the studio space attached to RG Workshops at Newlands Hall, just less than 2 miles from the village on the A701 and just along from the rather lovely Whitmuir Farm (which is a bit of a step up for lunch than Scotmid has been!)

The hall has been undergoing major renovation over the last months but Richard and Gavin are back in now and the studio section is nearly finished!

More pictures to follow…